The Situation of Human Resource Management in Public Hospitals in Capital City of Yemen Sana'a د. محمود عبده حسن محمد العزيزي ( 1 ) أ. ماهر أحمد محمد علي أبكر) 2

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The primary objective of this research is to answer the question of: “What are the responsibilities and duties of human recourses department in the governmental hospitals in Sana’a city - the capital of Yemen - From this primary objective the following objectives are branched:
- Identify the use of human resources planning in governmental hospitals.
- Identify the use of human resources organization charts in governmental hospitals.
- Identify the use of communication and coordination in human resources departments in governmental hospitals..
- Identify the use of evaluation and appraisal in human resources
departments in governmental hospitals..
- Identify the use of decision making in human resources departments in governmental hospitals.
To answer the main question of the research, the researcher used a descriptive approach which allows collecting data and diagnosing the Situation. In addition, the researcher used other references to collect data and information such as books, previous studies and survey. The survey indicates the six following points:
- Human resources planning.
- Human resources organization charts.
- Communication and coordination in human resources departments.
- Evaluation and appraisal in human resources departments.
- Training and human resources development.
- Decision making in Human resources departments.
The survey has been distributed to 60 employees who are working in human resources department in public governmental hospitals in Sana’a. 48 forms had been gotten back and subjected for analyzing, where the researcher depends on the
following methods in analyzing:- Percentages, Ratios medium and repetition.
- Descriptive statistics: (Arithmetic average /standard deviation).
- Alfa Crow Nbach coefficient to measure stability.
- Test of significance.
- Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS.).
The analysis for the data collected from the survey and different references shows that: 1. Insufficiency of interest in human resources planning, where the results show that there is a big absence for strategic plans and human resources planning.
2. Very clear insufficiency of organization charts in human resources departments, where the results show total absence of organization charts and job descriptions in all hospitals.
3. Insufficiency of communication and coordination in human resources departments of governmental hospitals,
4. Insufficiency of appraisal and evaluation in human resources departments.
5. Absence of human resources development.
6. Limitation of decision making in human resources departments, where the results show that the HR departments don’t have the authority to make decision and are very restricted to execute roles.
In summary, depends on the results of the research, the researcher come out with the following recommendations:1. Importance of subsistence human resources roles which includes planning , organization charts and job descriptions, commination and coordination , evaluation and appraisal, training and development , and decision making )
2. Allocate a budget for human resources in the budget of Ministry of Health and Population to ensure implementing the main roles of human resources departments in all governmental hospitals consciously.
3. Importance of updating job descriptions based on each job analyzing.
4. Having clear measures to evaluate every position in the governmental hospitals.
5. Importance of having a practical methodology in order to determine the needs of Human resources in each hospital.

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د. محمود عبده حسن محمد العزيزي ، أ. ماهر أحمد محمد علي أبكر

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