The effect of modern crises management strategies On theperformance of Kuwaiti international companies )1د. عادل خير الله ناصر بن عبد الله ))2د. فايزة خير الله ناصر بن عبد الله )

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The study aimed to examine the effect of modern crises management strategies on the marketing perform of Kuwaiti international companies. The study focused on this relationship in terms of changing path strategy, crisis team strategy, crisis exhausting strategy, crisis fragmentation strategy, crisis containment strategy and reserve mobilization strategy as independent variables, marketing performance as
dependent variable.The results came to demonstrate at the level of significance (a ≤ 0.05) the presence of a correlation and impact between changing path strategy and marketing performance in Kuwaiti international companies, as it was clear that there is a correlation and impact between crisis team strategy and marketing performance in Kuwaiti international companies, a correlation and influence between crisis exhausting strategy and marketing performance in Kuwaiti international companies, a Correlation and influence between Crisis Fragmentation Strategy and Marketing Performance in Kuwaiti International Companies a correlation and influence between crisis containment strategy and marketing performance in Kuwaiti international companies, a correlation and influence between reserve mobilization strategy and marketing performance in Kuwaiti international companies at a significant level (a ≤ 0.05).Among the most important things suggested by the study is the need for Kuwaiti international companies to have sufficient knowledge in the use of modern crisis management strategies and increase the experience of workers through the knowledge gained from training and the formation of an efficient team to face crises, Preparing and planning for facing crises, following up the development in modern crises management strategies to benefit from it and increase leadership skills in practicing Modern crises management strategies through training and adopting and modern and developed standards in measuring results and making sure it is correct.
Key words: Modern crises management strategies- Changing path strategy- Crisis team strategy - Crisis exhausting strategy - Crisis fragmentation strategy Crisis Containment Strategy - Reserve mobilization strategy - Marketing performance - Kuwaiti international companies

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