Reality of Practicing Ethical Leadership in Yemeni Universities from the Academics' Point of View الباحث/ علي صالح ناجي الشيبة

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This research aimed at identifying reality of practicing ethical leadership in Yemeni universities from the point of view of academics. To achieve this aim, the researcher has used the descriptive survey method. The research population consisted of all academic leaders, faculty members and their assistants in Yemeni public universities, who numbered (8756) individuals. Considering this, a stratified random sample of proportional type, was selected from academic leaders and faculty members in the universities, and the sample amounted to (368) individuals. After completing the questionnaire distribution and retrieval, the final statistical sample capable of statistical analysis became (296) individuals.

The research reached several results, most notably: the low level of ethical leadership practice in Yemeni universities from the academics' point of view at the level of the overall total, according to the responses of the research sample members; The overall mean was (1.89), with a standard deviation of (0.58.) At the level of each dimension, the empowerment dimension came with an arithmetic mean (2.00) and a standard deviation (0.63), and the community building dimension came with an arithmetic mean (1.94), a standard deviation (0.66), and the ethics management dimension came with an arithmetic mean (1.94) and a standard deviation (0.70). And the dimension came of achieving justice came with an arithmetic mean (1.84), a standard deviation (0.63), and dimension of creating came with an ethical vision with an arithmetic mean (1.82), and a standard deviation (0.66). Finally, ethical behavior dimension came with a mean (1.76) and a standard deviation (0.53).

Keywords: Ethical leadership – Dimensions of ethical leadership – Yemeni Universities – Academicians



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