The impact of human resources management strategies on job performanc ((a case study of A’Sharqiyah University)) صالح بن محمد بن سلطان العزري

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The study aimed to identify the impact of human resource management strategies on job performance, a case study (A’Sharqiyah University) in the Sultanate of Oman. The analytical descriptive approach was used, where a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the study population. The study will contribute to this field by providing the theoretical basis. And practical evidence that shows how human resource management strategies can affect job performance, and this study also aimed to reveal the most important obstacles and challenges facing and affecting the implementation of human resource management strategies such as recruitment strategy, training and development strategy and compensation strategy on job performance.

The study showed a number of results, the most important of which is the existence of a statistically significant effect between human resource management strategies and job performance.

The most important recommendations were: Focusing on implementing and applying the policy of sending university employees to participate in external training courses because of their importance and impact on job performance, the need to continue to strengthen and review the training and development strategy for employees at A’Sharqiyah University in accordance with the scientific and functional degree, and also measure the impact of this Training on job performance through the specified criteria, as well as reviewing the policy of financial incentives that are commensurate with the scientific and job grade of the employees at the university because of its impact on job performance and job stability, and focusing on developing a policy linking job performance with material incentives and promotions, as well I recommend conducting other studies on the impact of human resource management strategies on job performance in general in private higher education institutions in the Sultanate of Oman.

Keywords: Human Resource Management Strategies, Recruitment strategy, Training & Development strategy, Compensation strategy, Job performance



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