المنهج الفقهي لعلماء المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي الشريف. د. عبدالله بن محسن عبدالله الحضرمي

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The methodology  of  lslamic knowledge (Fiqh) of The scholars of The holy M osqueand The Sincere prophet  mosque

Dr: Abdullah. Mohsen. Abdullah.Al. Hdrami.

Pre face  pace  praise de upon to Allah,The Lod oF The worlds, and peace and blessing be upon our sincere prophet and his Familu and comp an ions Mosq ues are places of usefe ful Knowledge and the most magni fi cent mosq ues are The Holy mosque inmecca and the sin cere prophaey ino At This research, The focus willbeupon the methodoloyy of The lslamic scholars of These luo mosq ues in teaching the lslamic kno wlege (fiqh) , the knowledge of teache three lslamic leaders of the fomous creeds during the past times especialy . the fiqh of lmam hanebel that is knoun in nagged  and in sandi Arabia in genenal .

The lslamic scholars ofn the holg mosque and prophet mosque ore not only who live in, but also they  are the students who have been studying and gelting knowledge here.

The importance of this research comes fromi  its fowsing an hanabel fiqh and the other lslamic and arab knowledge for all student s in arab warld,over and above cmcentrates on the scien ific and cultural resultof fiqh defelop ment in the holy area what makis me focuc on fiqh context inmyresearch is the abandonment of many scholars stuofying  the fiqh methodology for the scholars of iholy mosq ue and the prphet mosque and howto provide and supply the books of hanabel creed.

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