القواعد القانونية المنظمة لأعمال الصرافة في القانون اليمني دراسة قانونية مقارنة د/ رشاد نعمان شايع العامري (1)

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


Business  exchange has  a very prestigious position in trade exchange , and also it has a significant influence on the level of commercial life, because it is renewable,, various and developed. Its importance becomes more significant due to  the traveling and alienation accompanied by financial transfers and exchange of foreign currencies.

This study aims to show the most important legal rules related to money exchange in Yemeni law comparing to some laws in comparison. It also indicates the leading role of money exchange facilities in commercial, economics life, and legal justifications for their business activities, taking care of challenges, sanctions facing money exchange for violating law provisions, introducing some important views on some issues to clarify their ambiguity. These issues have been discussed  in this research  through two main topics which are divided by a number of demands and branches. In the first section , it showed what  the exchange companies and institutions are, the nature of their business , their characteristics, and the difference between these entities and the work of the banks.

As well as the way of  monitoring  of money exchange ,whether the previous oversight for making  sure of  the availability terms of its establishment and licensing or With regard to the executive control and follow-up ,  such as office and field  inspection by   appropriate, trained inspectors for the competent authorities  in each country. Then the researcher moved to  the second topic, through which he has reviewed the reality of money- changing   profession , its future, systems evaluation, factors influencing performance, challenges facing and penalties for violation of its provisions.

The importance of this research lies in  tackling topic that has utmost importance day by day in field of commercial, and  economic life, in addition to some    visions and concepts supported by evidence along with tackling some issues in relevant. These issues can be later adopted  by researchers , particularly in field of legislative and practical inadequacies.

This research was concluded with success , including the most significant findings and recommendations which I hope to be considered by legislator, lawman and Judges  alike.




Article Details



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