Asylum Applications and the Importance of Refugee Registration Procedures أ. د / أحمد علي العماد(1) أ. د / عبد المؤمن شجاع الدين(2) أ.م.د / فارس محمد القادري(3) عقيد / عبدالوهاب الزرقة(4)

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The study dealt with the issue of asylum requests and the importance of registration procedures for refugees and asylum seekers, as this issue raises several questions, the most important of which are:

What are the determinants of registering refugees and asylum seekers? What is the importance of registration and its benefits? What are the difficulties of registering refugees in Yemen? As asylum is a human right in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and given the importance of the phenomenon of asylum, the international organization has sought to set rules and provisions that guarantee the enjoyment of this right and provide protection for refugees. The study aimed to explain the mechanisms and procedures for registering refugees and asylum seekers, and the benefits of that, as well as the religious, moral and humanitarian dimension to facilitate and expedite these procedures in the Republic of Yemen, as Yemen is one of the few countries in the region that has ratified the Refugee Convention. The study was dealt with through three sections, using the descriptive and analytical method. The study showed several results, the most important of which are: the relationship between registration and enjoyment of protection, delaying registration necessarily leads to a delay in protection, registration brings many benefits to all relevant parties, and the presence of several difficulties and obstacles that contribute to delaying the settlement of applications for registration. The study highlighted the need for sustainable awareness of the importance of registration and the development of clear evidence for registration procedures, in addition to the need to provide the administration’s needs necessary to overcome the difficulties of delaying the settlement of registration applications.

Keywords: applications, procedures, registration, refugees.



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