Self-esteem and its relationship to learning motivation in English language among Hadhramout students (Shibam Directorate as a model) الدكتور/ عمر عبيد باسعد(1) أحمد عاشور بن شامس(2)

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية



This study aimed to recognize Self-esteem and its relation with motivation of learning English language as foreign language for secondary Hadhramout schools' students (Shibam town as a model)

       The researcher has used the descriptive approach, study society included students of secondary schools students of Shibam town in session (2018-2019), the sample number was (235) students, as males were (122) students and females were (113) students from the second and third level, (science / arts) sections.

The study tools include the following scales:

1- Self-esteem scale of (Cooper Smith, 1967).

2- Motivation in learning English language scale of (Dörnyei, 2004).

The researcher achieved the following results:

1- Self-esteem of the study society is characterized by median rising.

2- Motivation in learning English language of the study society is characterized bymedian rising.

3-There is a Correlation relationship between some purview of self-esteem and the motivation in learning English language of the study society.

Key words: Self-esteem, learning motivation in English language, Hadhramout students, Shibam Directorate.



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