The Impact of Medical Insurance on Employees' Performance A Field Study at the Islamic Banks in Rebublic of Yemen إعداد الباحث / عثمان عمر عوض باذيب *

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


Objective: The main objective of this study is to assess Impact of Medical Insurance on Employees' Performance a Field Study at Islamic Banks in Yemen on Feb. 2022 the influence of tropical storage conditions on the quality and stability of some selected essential medical Insuranse in Yemen and to assess the different of employees' demographic variables according to their Gender, Sex, Ages, Level of career, Years of service (GSALY). 

Methodology: A stratified random sample, which was chosen, consisted of 102 employees in three levels of jobs of the job career available at the sample study the first level was highly managerial staff, the second was heads of departments' staff and the last was the administrators' staff. To achieve the objectives of the study.

The analytical descriptive method was approach and SPSS21 used.

The results: was found after taking the test there is an impact of the medical insurance on Employees' Performance estimated by 95.8% also there is a significant differences due to Sex and the job level variable in favor of head of department and to years of experience variable in favor of those who have little of experience and there were no significant different attributed to the Social status and ages.

Conclusions: in light of the results founded especially the highly relation between the elements of this study recommending to make enhance Medical Insurance Programs and to pay the attention to the employees' deductible on the medical Insurance to enhance  Medical coverage.

Key words: Medical Insurance ,Employees' Performance, Banks



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