أثر تغير الظروف الدولية على حقوق الدولة في عقود الامتيازات النفطية د/ سامي الطيب إدريس محمد

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محمد جعمان محرر


the study followed the descriptive-analytical approach in addressing the topics and extrapolating the various legal texts.
Perhaps the most prominent findings of this study are that the introduction of amendments to the oil concession contracts due to changing international conditions is a natural issue that must be accepted, and the principle of sovereignty requires that the state alone has the right to exploit its resources.
Key words: changing international, the state’s rights, oil concession contracts.
أثر تغير الظروف الدولية على حقوق الدولة في عقود الامتيازات النفطية
د/ سامي الطيب إدريس محمد *
https://aif-doi.org/AJHSS/This scientific study came under the title of the impact of changing international conditions on the state’s rights in oil concession contracts, addressing the different types of oil concession contracts and the extent to which they are affected by changing international conditions. The study aimed to address the various forms of oil concession contracts in terms of their nature and their political, economic and social importance, with a focus on the impact of changing international conditions on the obligations and rights of the parties to these contracts.

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