واقع تطبيق إستراتيجيات إدارة الصراع التنظيمي لدى مديري وزارة التنمية الإجتماعية في الأردن 10.35781/1637-015-012-003د.رياض محمد عبد الكريم العربيات

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د.رياض محمد عبد الكريم العربيات جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


This study aims to identify the status of applying organizational conflict management strategies at the managers of Ministry of Social Development in Jordan. A sample consisted of 126 male and female employees was selected. And to achieve the study’s goal, the Analytic and Descriptive approach was used. The most significant results were as follows: 1- The Status of applying organizational conflict management strategies at the managers of Ministry of Social Development in Jordan got moderate level with (68.33%). And it was found that the status of applying Competition and Cooperation strategies were the most knowledgeable to the managers while the status of applying Compromise strategy was the least knowledgeable strategy to the managers. 2- The results proved the validity of the study’s hypothesis that there were no statistical differences attributed to gender and scientific qualification variables and the alternative hypothesis asserted that there were statistical significant differences attributed to the years of experience variable in favor of the managers with short experience ( less than 5 years) and attributed to number of training courses variable in favor of mangers enrolled in less than three training courses. 3- The researcher recommended the following: 1) The Ministry of Social Development creates organizational culture among the employees to strengthen all the strategies’ advantages and show their positive application, in addition to create the appropriate environment for them. 2) The Ministry of Social Development distributes bulletins to its directorates in the governorates to clarify the importance of applying organizational conflict management strategies.

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