Ahaadeeth on pigmentation (hair dye) in black and the provisions of it 10.12816/0019248د.علوي حامد محمد بن شهاب الدين

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د.علوي حامد محمد بن شهاب الدين جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


The issue of dying the hair of the head and beard with black (dye) is an important issue, due to the people’s need of it. It is for this reason that I wrote this research and named it: “The Ahadeeth of dying hair with black and the its ruling”. It can be summarized in the following points:
• The origin of the established Sunnah is to dye the grey hair; in contrast to Jews who do not dye their grey hair.
• Our Messenger (Peace and Blessings be upon him) did not dye his grey hair; due to its little amount and the lack of his need to do that.
• The Ahadeeth which have come forbidding the dying with black are spoken about.
• Concerning the fact that major companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them, left dying their grey hair, then that is understood in terms of it being appropriate for them i.e. they had no need for it, due to it not the grey hair not being regarded as being ugly, just like our Messenger (Peace and blessing be upon him) did not have the need.
• The Taabi’ (from the second generation of Muslims) Abdul Malik Bin Juraih, the narrator of the Hadeeth: “Change this with something but avoid black”, used to (himself) dye with black, which affirms the correct understanding of the Hadeeth and the lack of dislike (Karaahah) attached to dying with black. Similarly, Abu Az-Zubair, who related the Hadeeth from Jabir denies his relation due to the wording “Make him avoid the black” as was transmitted by Al-Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal.
• The fact that some of the companions, Taabi’een (those of the second generation) and the Imaams of the predecessors (Salaf) used to dye their hair with black confirms that they were acting in accordance with the Sunnah and according to their understanding that there is no dislike (Karaahah) attached to it, let alone prohibition, and they are sufficient as examples to follow.
• There are a host of Ahadeeth forbidding dying with black, the majority of which are weak, and we have provided answers to them in this research.
This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc 2018.

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