Cyberspace Wars and their Impact on International Conflicts

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محمد جعمان محرر


The study aimed to find out the nature of cyberspace, its components and its impact on international conflicts, which is a comprehensive field of
حروب الفضاء الإلكترونية وتأثيرها في الصراعات الدولية
Cyberspace Wars and their Impact on International Conflicts
حروب الفضاء الإلكترونية وتأثيرها في الصراعات الدولية .
الباحث: د. حسين حسين صالح سميع
مجلة الأندلس
للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
العدد ) 66 ( المجلد ) 10 ( يناير 2023 م
ISSN : 2410-1818
electronic warfare, and to identify electronic wars, their types, mechanisms of action and their impact on international conflicts, and to know the applied models of those electronic conflicts, the study relied on methodological integration, it relied on more than one approach such as the case study method, the analytical method and the legal method. The study included three topics: the first of them: the nature of cyberspace, its components and its role in changing the concepts of power, the second: electronic wars, their mechanisms, types and characteristics, and the last of them: the impact of wars study has concluded several results, the most important of which are:
- Cyberspace has imposed itself as a new strategic dimension in international conflicts, which in turn has brought about changes in the concepts of international relations, such as the concept of power, conflict and security.
-Cyberspace has become one of the important elements that affect the international system by producing important technological tools for the process of mobilization and mobilization in the world and influencing political values.
-The electronic conflict has taken on a competitive character, which is called the (electronic and information arms race) and in various fields (political, economic, military) and others between the countries of the world.
-The emergence of high-cost command centers that are interested in electronic armies worldwide, where maneuvers and trainings are held on this new type of conflict, how to confront them and prepare for them
the development of countermeasures.
Keywords: Cyberspace-International Conflicts-Electronic power - Electronic warfare-Electronic armies.

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