Educational contents in Surat Al-Takathur - an objective study أ/ أمة الخالق بنت عبدالرحمن بن عبدالله المهدي

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محمد جعمان محرر


The aim of the research is to extract the educational lessons contained in Surat Al-Takathur to apply them on the ground.
There is no verse in the entire Qur’an without meaning, benefit, wisdom or legislation. It is the miraculous word of God in every time and place, the constitution of human life. The Qur’anic verses are intended to achieve the leadership of people in the religious, worldly and hereafter life, and the rulings learned from the meanings of the noble verses are closely related. Either by belief, or by worship, by morals and behavior, or by legislation that is good for the individual and the group.
The meanings learned from Surat Al-Takathur are the warning, then warning against heedlessness and preoccupation with the matters of life, its temptations and desires, about the affairs of the Hereafter, then the reminder that death is coming inevitably, and we have a lesson for those who preceded it, then confirming the Last Day and the horrors in it and asking about everything that the servant presented in his life. I have clarified the educational lessons contained in this noble surah that the Muslim can benefit from during his life and after his death, and she followed the inductive approach.
This research includes an introduction and four chapters.
Introduction: which included the importance of the topic, its objectives and methodology of previous studies, as well as the limits of the study.
The first topic: Defining Surat Al-Takathur in terms of its name, the reason for its revelation, the number of its verses, their Mecca, its relevance to what precedes and after it, its interpretation, as well as the clarification of its general purposes.
The second topic: educational contents related to reminding, reprimanding and warning.
The third topic: the educational implications related to being preoccupied with the glories of the world, being accountable for it, and giving thanks to God.
The fourth topic: other implications, such as the true value of the human being and his position in life, and what matters is quality, not quantity.
The research concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
Key words: Educational contents - Surat Al-Takathur

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