استراتيجيات الهيكل المالي الملائم لتحقيق كفاءة رأس المال العامل في البنوك التجارية اليمنية أ.د / عبدالله علي القرشي الباحث/ خالد محمد محمد الدلالي

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية










The study aimed at identifying  the appropriate financial structure for working capital efficiency in Yemeni commercial banks, and determine the degree of importance of each component of the financial structure in achieving efficiency of working capital.

To achieve this, the artificial neural network  models were used in accordance with the radioactivity function to determine the appropriate mixing ratios of the financial structure components that maximize the working capital efficiency

            The study found a set of results, the most important is that there is a difference in the degree of importance of each component of the financial structure on each indicator of working capital efficiency in Yemeni commercial banks.

            The differences in the importance of the financial structure components were reflected in three strategies to achieve efficiency in working capital These strategies are (liquidity oriented, profit oriented, and balanced) all of which accord priority to deposits as a source of working capital financing, followed by equity. The three strategies are cash flow as an automatic source of funding resulting from the interaction of banking activities, but The advantages of these strategies are that they drive profitability to a higher degree while maintaining the level of liquidity, to ensure that the objectives of the conflicting interests between the owners seeking to achieve profitability and the depositors who prefer to get their money at any time When requested.

            In light of these results, the study set out numbers of procedural recommendations that explain the methodological procedures followed by commercial banks to implement the proposed strategies to maximize the liquidity or maximum profitability of investment in working capital or both

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قائمة المراجع

 المراجع العربية:

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 المراجع الأجنبية

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