أثر السياسات التجارية والاستثمارية في تنافسية الاقتصاد اليمني خلال المدة 2003-2016 *دكتور سالم عبدالله محمد باسويد ( 1 )

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية



The impact of trade and investment policies on the competitiveness of the Yemeni economy During the period 2003-2016



Salem abdulla Mohamed Baswaid









The research aims at evaluating the competitiveness of foreign trade and foreign direct investment by testing two standard models of variables that support competitiveness and the variables that inhibit competitiveness. The research found that the competitive performance of the Yemeni economy was weak and ranked at the bottom of the list in both the global and Arab competitiveness indices and was associated with low-income countries and wealth. However, the deterioration of the general environment of trade and investment indicates that the business environment during the period under study did not help improve performance In foreign markets and hence the competitiveness of goods and services and the attraction of FDI in particular. Hence, an important conclusion was reached that the competitiveness of the Yemeni economy is unreliable given the threats and risks it faces from its domestic environment rather than its external environment. The evaluation and evaluation of the standard model of the variables supporting the competitiveness showed that the most effective effect on competitiveness is due to the trade policies in investment policies. The elasticity of exports reached 0.785 while the foreign direct investment reached 0.055. The increase of exports by 1% leads to increasing the competitiveness of the economy by 0.785 This confirms the first sub-hypothesis while the 1% increase in foreign direct investment leads to a 0.055% reduction in the competitiveness of the economy and it was not significant, which negates the second sub-hypothesis. The estimation and evaluation of the standard model of discouraging variables showed that the greatest impact on competitiveness was due to trade policies in monetary policy. The elasticity of imports was 1.041 and the inflation rate was 0.016, ie, imports were not more competitive than inflation. A 1% increase in the economy's competitiveness by 1.041%. This negates the third sub-hypothesis, while a 1% increase in inflation leads to an increase of 0.016% in GDP and this negates the fourth hypothesis. The research recommended to achieve progress in competitiveness and the need to activate the role of the state by improving the macroeconomic environment and economic and social infrastructure as well as improving the environment of exports and investme


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