تقييم جودة التعليم المقدم للطلاب اليمنيين في الجامعات الحكومية الأردنية والتعليم المتوقع حسب متطلبات الجودة الشاملة من وجهة نظر الطلاب د. مطهر علي حسين البرطي

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


Evaluation of Quality of Education Provided to the Yemeni Students in the Jordanian Universities and the Expected Education According to the Requirements of Total Quality Management from the Students Perspective.

Dr. Mutahar Al Barati

The study aimed at identifying the quality of  education  provided to the Yemeni students in the Jordanian universities and the expected education according to the requirements of TQM from the students’ point of view.

In order to achieve this objective, a questionnaire was designed and prepared and verified by a group of arbitrators. The questionnaire reliability was measured by the calculation of the Alpha Cronbach coefficient. The sample included 43 students from the final graduate levels of the Yemeni students in the Jordanian universities, representing 20.7%, which representants the research community. The sample was randomly selected from the total number of graduates (200 students) of the academic year 2015/2016.

After the statistical treatments of the data by using SPSS program, the following results were reported:

  1. The mean and standard deviations of the sample responses indicated a high level of quality in the fields of teaching staff and libraries. The students’ evaluation was generally positive.

  2. The mean and standard deviations of the sample responses indicated an average level of quality in the other fields, i.e. curriculum, teaching methods, evaluation methods, university books, classrooms, training areas, administrative system, student activities, and general services. The students’ evaluation was generally average.

Through the answers and evaluation of the students (the sample of the study), which represents the research the community, it turns out that the public education provided by the Jordanian Universities to the Yemeni students is average, which is regarded below the required level of the education that are supposed to be provided to the university students according to the requirements of TQM.

The study also revealed that there are significant statistical differences in the  education  offered to the Yemeni students in the Jordanian universities as well as the expected education that should be offered to students according to the requirements of Total Quality Management in all fields.

This emphasizes the importance of continuing to provide  education  for students to achieve the desired educational goals and improve the quality of the outputs. This necessitates the administration of the Jordanian universities along with the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education to seek and expedite the introduction of quality system and academic accreditation in all Jordanian universities.




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