استعمالات الفقيه موسى الحجاوي في كتابه "زاد المستقنع" لإشارات الخلاف ومدلولاتها في المذهب الحنبلي. للدكتور عبد الله بن محسن بن عبد الله الحضرمي (1)

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية



The uses of Jurist Mossa Al haJawai in his book zad al mostaqana in the brief of al moqana ' for the sighs of difference and its epressions in the al –hanbali doctrine By Dr-Abdullhah Mohsen Al-hadhrami, specialization of fiqh and usul Al fiqh.

Preface: praise be to Allah , lord of the worlds and peuce and blessings be upan oursincere por phet and his family and cempanions .

The ong in of zad Al- mosta qana in the brief of Al- moqana ' is the most famous of Al hanboli is lamic know ledge among the latst scholars and it be cames more common in al-hanbli dis tricts' arab is land especially in najed.

There is on such knowledge has been com posed asit is satu rateel with juristic explantion- inspite of its smll size, it is risch of Juristic elarificotion it has indicated the signs of differences in Al-hanbli doctrine and shed light on its uses- however it has not stated to it clearly.

Mentioned, lcencern on the se signs to got acon sequence in knowing its reforences .

Lmam' lbn Qod ama ' showed his two opinions.in tndg  ing insome Juristic topics but Al-haJawai may  Allah forgives him chose what he noticed better with  out showing the other opinion although hi in dicated the difference in the doctrine .

What Iwill show in this research that Al- haJawai has men tioned the letters of differen ces  in Al-hanbli doctrine in ascien tific cen cept zahar of

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