The Relationship between of Educational Service Quality & Students Satisfaction "Afield Study at the Faculty of Commerce & Economic-Amran University" د. مجاهد يحيى صالح المشرقي (1)

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية




This study aimed to identify on the nature of relationship between the Educational Service Quality and Students Satisfaction at the Faculty of Commerce & Economic-Amran University. To achieve the objectives of the study and testing of hypotheses, a special questionnaire were developed to gather data from a sample, which contained (100) student, and the number of questionnaires were subject to analysis (96), representing (96.0%) of the total questionnaires distributed. Using appropriate statistical tests, the results of the study include:

  1. There is a statistical correlation between the educational service quality and students satisfaction at Faculty of Commerce -Amran University.

  2. There is impact correlation to educational service quality on students' satisfaction at Faculty of Commerce -Amran University.

  3. There are statistical significant differences in the educational service quality and students satisfaction according to gender variable.

  4. There are statistical differences in the educational service quality and students satisfaction according to study level variable.

  5. There are no statistical differences in the educational Service quality and students satisfaction according to age variable.

**Keywords: Educational Service Quality, Students Satisfaction, Faculty






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