The Quality of Working Life and its Impact in Reduction of Job Burnout د . محمود عبده حسن العزيزي أ. مبارك ياسر غيلان زيد

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية




This study aimed to identify the reality of the quality of the career as well  the phenomenon of  job burnout  ,moreover  to detect the impact  of the quality of working life dimensions in the reduction of job burnout phenomenon at Azal university for human development.

         To achieve the objectives of the current study, descriptive analysis have been used, questionnaire was utilized  as a basic tool to collect the data.

The study sample consisted of(62) of university employees chosen by using the simple random sample, where the sample size have been selected from the board of the human resources department, . statistical analysis tests were used through(SPSS) s

Some result have been found such as :

  • The availability degree of the quality off university's life dimensions career were rated to together as less that moderate, with proportional weight of (39.3%),conclude that there was significant decrease in the quality  of university's life.

  • The availability degree of job burnout among the employees was (66%).

  • The availability degree of  regulatory and functional environment dimensions career were rated  to together as less than moderate , with a proportional weight ( 42.8%),while moral and physical working  environment of a proportional weight ( 35.8%), which conclude that there  was a  relative significant decrease and needs to be further reviewed .

  • There was a negative relationship between the dimensions of quality of university's life and job


  • There was a negative relationship and effect

between the moral and physical working 


represented by the following dimensions (Social relations, working safe and healthy environment, physical environmental conditions  of workers performance supporting ,wages and salaries Justice system) in  reduction of job burnout phenomenon.

  • Social relations, working safe and healthy

environment had most negative relationship

and effect on job burnout, both of them

interpreted (50%), of the variation in the

dependent variable respectively. where the 

rest  variables not turns out the negative

impact, however less.

  • There is a negative relationship and effect

between the organizational and functional

environment represented by  the  following (decision making participation, job security and stability, jobs enrichment  and designing, career

advancement opportunities, harmony balance

between the professional and personal life of

workers) in  reduction of job    burnout phenomenon.

  • There are statistical significant differences at

level (α ≥ 0.05) in the availability of quality

of university's life dimensions attributed to

(working safe  and healthy environment) in

favor of  (Academic staff ) as well as there

are statistical significant differences due to

  (wages,  justice) in favor of high education ,

while there are no statistical significant differences   related to the other  variables (gender, age, qualification, years’ experience,

training workshops).

  • There are no statistical significant differences between the average responses of respondents 

about the job burnout related to the following variables (gender, age, qualification, , years’

experience, training workshops).Based on the results of the study ,some recommendations was presented ; the most important of them is 

To improving the quality of  university's life in  reduction of  workers job burnout  requires of senior management adoption to the concept of quality of life with it's different dimensions


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