Seizing Opportunities from the Perspective of Islam

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محمد جعمان محرر


This research, entitled by Seizing Opportunities from the Perspective of Islam, aims to clarify the meaning of seizing opportunities and how to make use of them as well as the status of that in Islam. The research also takes care of presenting the most prominent texts of revelation and their connotations that encourage seizing opportunities in life. It also highlights the most important areas of life in which opportunities have to be seized and the precious times are cut.
Our true Islamic religion has been careful about educating the community to seize opportunities of life, and to construct life based on sound principles in which members of community participate positively according to their capabilities and abilities. This has been clearly demonstrated through texts and archeology that talk about the necessity of seizing opportunities to obtain the pleasure of God Almighty, and those warn against missing them. Besides, it has clearly emerged through the context of the Qur'anic verses and the Prophetic Hadiths (traditions) reprimanding those who do not take the initiative to seize life opportunities, that the consequences of neglecting it are dire and have a negative impact on the individual and society. The desire of Islam has been also on how to seize the opportunities of life, no matter how small they are in the view of an individual, and the Sharia provisions and the various effects have been pretended in this regard. Two areas, in which opportunities are urged to be seized, have been highlighted in this research due to the large number of texts tackling them, they are: seeking the pleasure of God Almighty and His Paradise, and considering the life as a farm for the Hereafter. The second field comes to clarify the position of seizing opportunities in the field of Dawa'a (calling to God Almighty) and education, following the example of our Prophet Muhammad, may God's prayers and peace be upon him and his family.
We ask God to grant us acceptance, and to make people benefit from this research, and to make it purely for the sake of His Noble Face.
May God’s peace and blessings be upon our master, Muhammad, and all his family and companions.
Key Words: Seizing Opportunities - Islam Perspective.

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