Shahadatu el-Tawheed of Sufi Extremists "A Critical Study of in the Light of Faith Doctrine of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah د/ محمد علي سلمان الوصابي*

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This research article discusses the issue of Shahadatu el-Tawheed (Testimony of Faith, 'there is no deity/god but Allah')) as the basic tenet of Islamic Faith.  Shahadatu el-Tawheed is the favorite word of all believers as well as their testimony of faith in Allah here and in the Hereafter. No one can be declared Muslim until he articulates the word of Tawheed. The working of the paper is summed up in the following:

Sufi Extremists' belief and their apparent violation of Islamic doctrine of faith as stated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Full-fledge discussion of the opinions of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa on such violations is also provided. 

How some Sufi Extremist prefer calling Allah, The Almighty, by the single proper name, Allah, or the pronoun, He, in their invocations and Allah's remembrance instead of the full word of Tawheed (There is no god but Allah).

A detailed and resourceful study on the Sufi Extremists' Doctrine of Faith and Tawheed, how they use it in their holy recitations, and how far this is from the true Islamic doctrine of Faith.

Comparatively inductive method has been adopted as the research method. Various Sufi Extremists' sayings regarding Shahadat Tawheed have been extensively quoted and duly examined. The critical approach has also been used, when necessary, to critique some concepts related to the issue.

It has concluded that Extremists of Sufism have their own Faith Belief which is completely different from and contradictory to the true Faith and Belief of Godhood stated and explained in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. It has also been found that Sufi Extremists' Faith Belief has passed through several phases until it reaches to the belief in the Oneness of Universe.

Further exploration of Sufi Extremists' Faith Belief is recommended as to expound how, when and why they violate the true Faith Creed of Islamic Shariah


 Shahadat Tawheed (Testimony of faith), Aqedah (Islamic Doctrine of Faith), Sufi Extremists, Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah (followers of Sunnah), Feraq (Sects)





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