التقويم والجودة والاعتماد (رؤية حول المفاهيم والأهمية) تقديم الباحث: سعيد عبدالله عمر الجعيدي 1442هـ / 2021م

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The study of evaluation, quality and accreditation (a vision about concepts and importance) aimed to answer the two questions of the study: What does it mean by alternative evaluation in light of the change in the concept of learning? What does it mean by quality and accreditation in the light of globalization data? It also sought to introduce the modern trends of those concepts to improve education.

 The researcher reviewed the theoretical literature and the related studies, using the descriptive method, and the study concluded that:

 The alternative assessment in light of the change in the concept of learning is the one that comes from the hypothesis that knowledge is formed and built by the learner; it reflects and measures the learner's achievements in real situations; it gives a comprehensive and integral picture of what he should know and leads him away from memorization and memorization.


Concerning to quality and accreditation in the light of globalization data, they are: Improving the elements of the educational process, including curricula, facilities, and others, according to specific standards to ensure the achievement of the desired goals, and the improvement of outputs to meet the goals of society and cover the needs of the market

The study also made some recommendations, including: conducting in-depth and focused studies on: evaluation, quality and accreditation, and highlighting their importance and role in the educational advancement process.

Keywords: calendar, alternative calendar, quality and accreditation



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