Andalus Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences obtains accreditation criteria for the Arab Impact and Citation Coefficient "ARSIF" from the Arabic digital database "Ma'rifah" in Jordan

Andalus Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences, issued by Al-Andalus University for Science and Technology in Sana'a, obtained the criteria for accreditation of the Arab Impact and Citation Factor "ARCEV" from the Arabic digital database "Ma'rifah" on December 16 in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
The head of the Arab Martyrdom and Influence Factor Initiative, "Arseef", explained that Prof. Sami Al-Khandaz, in a letter he sent today to the editor-in-chief of the Andalus Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Burqaan, that the success of the Andalus Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences to obtain the criteria for accreditation of the Arab Impact and Citation Coefficient "Arcif" is compatible with international standards, which number more than (31 standards).
Pointing out that the impact rate of an "academic" or research scientific journal is a measure used to indicate the relative importance of refereed scientific journals, and their influence within their field.
Pointing out that this reflects the extent to which the new research is related to the research previously published in that journal, and cited within a certain period of time.
It is worth noting that the "Marefa" database has worked on collecting and studying the data of more than 4000 scientific or research journals in various disciplines, published in Arabic, English, French or multilingual, and issued by more than 1400 scientific or research bodies in 20 Arab countries. (With the exception of Djibouti and Comoros due to lack of data). Only 362 scientific journals succeeded in being accredited within the criteria of the Arab Impact and Citation Factor "ARCEV" in the 2018 report.

Vol. 4 No. 15 (2017): مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية المجلد (4) العدد (15) 30-09-2017م

مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية المجلد (4) العدد (15) 30-09-2017م

Published: 2024-01-31

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مجلات جامعة الاندلس للعلوم والتقنية من اوائل الجامعات الأهلية العاملة في الجمهورية اليمنية، تأسست بموجب القرار الوزاري رقم (55) لسنة 1994م. وبدأت في ممارسة نشاطها في العام الجامعي 2003/2004م