أسباب عزوف الطلبة عن الالتحاق بتخصصات الفيزياء والرياضيات في كلية العلوم التطبيقية والتربوية بالنادرة - جامعة إب اسم الباحث د. ألطــــــاف محمــد عبد الله المعمـــــري*

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د. ألطــــــاف محمــد عبد الله المعمـــــري*


The research aims at determining the reasons for the students’ reluctance to enroll in the majors of Physics and Mathematics at the Faculty of Applied and Educational Sciences in Al-Nadira, Ibb University from the point of view of the college students. To achieve the aim of the research, the descriptive analytic approach was followed. A questionnaire consisting of (25) items distributed on five fields was applied on a sample from the first-level students including (30) students. After collecting the data, the results showed that the level of achieving the reasons for the students’ reluctance was achieved with a general average of (1.61). The reasons related to the lack of school awareness of the majors of Physics and Mathematics were ranked first, with an average of (1.69). Reasons related to the difficulty of studying in the majors of Physics and Mathematics were ranked second, with an average of (1.66), and reasons related to fields of work, and completion of postgraduate studies after graduation were ranked third, with an average of (1.63). Reasons related to the student’s tendencies and desires were ranked fourth with an average of (1.55). The fifth and final rank was social and family reasons, with an average of (1.51). There were statistically significant differences between the students' responses ascribed to the gender variable and in favor of male students, while there were no statistically significant differences appeared between the average of the opinions of male and female students in all fields ascribed to the specialization. The researcher suggested carrying out studies to diagnose the causes of reluctance and treat them in the future in all the departments of the faculty. Keywords: Reasons - Students' Reluctance - Enrollment - majors of Physics and Mathematics - Applied and Educational Sciences رجوع

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