Moderation in women’s rights in Islam The right to separate in insolvency, a legal jurisprudence study.

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د/ عبده علي محمد الجدي(1) د/ شادي رمضان إبراهيم إبراهيم طنطاوي(2)



Moderation in women’s rights in Islam

The right to separate in insolvency, a legal jurisprudence study.

The research aims to clarify the moderation of Sharia in clarifying the rights of women, including their legal right to separate between them and their husbands if the damage is achieved, and to clarify the opinions of the jurists in the permissibility of differentiating between spouses from the inadmissibility, and to discuss the opinions of the jurists who are advanced from them as well as those who are late, and to clarify the aspects related to alimony and its amount and talk in detail about the cases The emergency on the lack of maintenance on the part of the husband due to his insolvency in the alimony, and the clarification of the opinions of the jurists on the issue of separation or not, while linking this to the practical reality in such a case and the statement of the most correct in this issue and the consequences of that, adhering to the descriptive analytical approach and clarifying the opinions of the jurists and the various texts on the subject. As well as the behavior of the inductive approach in weighting between statements in controversial issues related to the subject, in addition to reviewing some legal articles in Saudi law related to the issue of alimony. Whoever is not permitted to separate due to insolvency and the harm that this may cause to the husband There is no difference between them in view of the consideration of the interests and harms resulting from that and the adoption of the rule of warding off corruption takes precedence over bringing interests, and the principle of neither harming nor reciprocating harm, and other considered legal principles.

hunak baed alnatayij alati tama altawasul 'iilayha , bima fi dhalika: 1- dinuna al'iislam din wustaa wadin ja' limanfaeat al'iinsani. 2- 'ana alsharieat al'iislamiat taqum ealaa altakhfif waltaysir , watati lilmanfaeat wadafe almunkari. 3- bayan ara' alfuqaha' fi mawdue altafriq min eadamih mae rabt dhalik bialwaqie aleamalii fi hadhih alhalat wabayan al'arjah fi hadha almawdue wama yataratab ealaa dhalik min athar. 4- mawdue altafriq bayn alzawjayn bisabab al'iiesar mawdue khilaf bayn alfuqaha'. waminhum man aietabarah min huquq almar'at , waminhum man lam yusmah bialtafriq bisabab al'iiesar waldarar aladhi qad yalhaq bialzawja.. 5- yajuz lilmar'at 'an tatlub alfaskh bisabab al'iiesar fi halat mueayanat , walays bishakl eami. 6- alhifaz ealaa muqawimat al'usrat biaistikhdam aleaql waltahkim fi alkhilafat alzawjiat , waeadam tahkim aleawatif hfazaan ealaa bina' al'usrati.


Keywords: (moderation - rights - differentiation - insolvency)



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