The political and military role of fortresses and castles in Yemen from the third century AH to the seventh century AH 200 - 626 AH / 815 - 1227 AD 10.35781/1637-013-011-007د. يحيى أحمد حسين الشحري

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د. يحيى أحمد حسين الشحري جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


|f This research, entitled (Political and Military Role of Forts and Castles in Yemen from the 3rd to 7th Century Hijri), includes two main topics. The first topic dealt with the political role. It mentioned a number of points, perhaps the most prominent of which are: Centers for the proclamation and emergence of some countries, a capital for others, a headquarters for government and administration, and a center for the accommodation of tribal leaders and elders, deputies and rulers in cities and provinces, and finally centers for revolution and rebellion against governors and rulers. \nThe second topic dealt with discussion about the military role in terms of their use as defensive fortifications, stores of weapons and supplies, and camps for violators and prisoners of war. This was preceded by an introduction showing the importance of research and the approach taken in this, as well as the research plan.\nThe study concluded with a conclusion that included a number of findings reached by the researcher, followed by a recommendation to invite universities and specialized research centers for research and study. In addition, the relevant authorities are invited to play their role in preserving these fortresses and castles, which are no less historical in the rest of the Yemeni relics.\nThe study was also appended to a list of the most important sources and references used by the authors of this research.\nThis abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc 2018. 

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