Adoption of a Basket of Currencies as a Basis for Pricing Oil and its Impact on Dollar Demand 10.12816/0030501ليبيا عبود صالح باحويرث ، ، سالم مبارك صالح بن قديم

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ليبيا عبود صالح باحويرث ، ، سالم مبارك صالح بن قديم مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The change has a direct impact on currency exchange rates, as the stability of the exchange rate which is one of the priorities of pricing policy in different countries in world oil prices, To avoid the drop in oil revenues when low dollar exchange rate should be adopted as the basis of a basket of currencies for oil pricing guarantees the relative stability of the exchange rate of the currency and maintain the real exchange rates. Find ways to the importance of origins and evolution of the currency basket and the advantages and disadvantages of linking the basket and the reasons for the adoption of Kuwait basketball system to system Therefore touched types of drainage systems and pricing policies and economic factors change and its impact on exchange rates, oil prices. The research found that the currency basket system that provides relative flexibility in determining the exchange rate at the high price of oil, there is a significant drop in the currencies of countries that link their currencies to the US dollar value of what a runner Kuwait, Modern approach to drainage systems in developed countries towards flexible policy or flotation resulting from the continuing difficulty fixed drainage systems, power and prestige of the dollar globally expect higher exchange rate in the medium and long term

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