Waqf and it's grammatical TEMP effect: An applied study in the Qur'anic text 10.35781/1637-000-019-007 د. سالم مبارك بن عبيد الله

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د. سالم مبارك بن عبيد الله مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This study is concerned with pause and its grammatical effect on the Coranic text. It also tries to explain the issues relevant to pause and its grammatical effect on the Coranic text. The study has taken some applied examples of the Coranic text to illustrate a part of the linguistic message which is shown out by the appropriate selection of the pause. In fact, the understanding of the sentence and its meaning may rely on the good performance of recitation and the suitable selection of the pause. The examples chosen by the study should also demonstrate the positions of pause then the resumption. That means the pause is a part of the text. It is one of its structure processes. Reciter and listener should be aware of this fact which has to be well learned then well selected by them. The research has been divided into two sections. The first section tackles the pause, its definition, divisions and rules, as well as the resumption because it is bound to the pause. The second section discusses the pause from the syntactic and semantic view point. So it talks about the pause effect on conveying the linguistic message.

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