دور المجتمع في حماية حقوق الطفل في اللعب والأنشطة الحركية والبدنية

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بلخير، عبدالرحمن سعيد (مؤلف)


This study aimed at identifying playing and physical motor activities in human heritage throughout different ages, and exploring the role between body and physical development, and physical motor activities. The study tried also to show the impotence of physical motor activities in the general development process of human personality, and expressed the role of society especially(school and father) in providing and protecting the rights of child in playing and physical motor activities in Yemen republic. The study used the descriptive analytic method. The results showed that most of human societies practiced playing and took care to child physical motor activities and provided fields and trainers. Results showed also that physical motor activities had an important influential and positive role on human development. Regarding the role of society especially (school and father) in providing and protecting the rights of child in playing and physical motor activities in Yemen republic, the results showed that father and school burden an important responsibility in providing and protecting these rights and that less attention was paid to physical periods in schools, and that most of schools no more devote insufficient time to physical motor activities. The study set a number of recommendations and future study.

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How to Cite
بلخير، عبدالرحمن سعيد (مؤلف). (2023). دور المجتمع في حماية حقوق الطفل في اللعب والأنشطة الحركية والبدنية. Alandalus Journal of Social and Applied Sciences, 5(8), 246–289. Retrieved from http://andalusuniv.net/journ/index.php/AJSA/article/view/843