دراسة سوق خدمات التسوق الإلكتروني في المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال الأكشاك الإلكترونية

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بامخرمة، أحمد سعيد (مؤلف) مؤلفين آخرين: باطويح، محمد عمر (م. مشارك)


Electronic marketing is a system which currently through the internet enables people to make buying and selling transactions and the exchange of information this system is synonymous to a virtual market wherein dealers perform their transactions through electronic or digital money payments. The forecasts for the performance and growth of the economic indicators of the Saudi economy in the coming years points towards increase for the demand of electronic marketing services, particularly with regard to the following : • Increase of consumer expenditures on goods and services in general. • Increase in the activities of the financial sector , specially in those related to banking and the stock market. • Increase in the commercial and trade transactions. Such indicators are expected to reflect positively on the electronic services in general and the electron commercial and marketing services in particular, though the increase in the per capita expenditure on these services particularly those which were not available in the past e.g. e-government, as well as the increase in the volume of financial transactions that necessitate expeditable payments methods. Out of the new suggested methods of electronic marketing, are electronic kiosks to be introduced in public places, e.g. shopping centers, airports and government departments. They are also available to those who would like to make transactions and payments from their homes or work places. The difference between the kiosks and the internet lies in the first easiness to use, language and technical simplicity and security safeguards. This research aims at studying the market scope of introducing electronic marketing services through kiosks in Saudi Arabia, which will meet the abovementioned benefits and services and the ways of implementation as well as limitations and capabilities.

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بامخرمة، أحمد سعيد (مؤلف) مؤلفين آخرين: باطويح، محمد عمر (م. مشارك). (2023). دراسة سوق خدمات التسوق الإلكتروني في المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال الأكشاك الإلكترونية. Alandalus Journal of Social and Applied Sciences, 2011(6), 280–312. Retrieved from http://andalusuniv.net/journ/index.php/AJSA/article/view/826