Wisdom and its impact on the call to Allah (Some of the attitudes of the Prophet, peace be upon him) (Model) الباحثة / وفاء علي حسين القحطاني*

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مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


Wisdom and its impact on the call to Allah (Some of the attitudes of the Prophet, peace be upon him) (Model)

Researcher name: Wafa Ali Hussein al-Hajar al-Qahtani

Research aime:

1-Identify the concept of wisdom and its types and associated advocacy methods.

2-To learn about the concept, governance, ranks and sources of the call.

3-Reviewing the most wise positions of the Prophet and his companions in calling to God almighty.

Research Methodology: The study relied on the descriptive method and analytical method.

The most important results were reached:

-The introduction of wisdom makes the da'i put things in the right positions

-The success of the call is in the good use and diversification of methods

-Assessing the issues of the preacher in terms of importance is a sign of wisdom

-The Prophet (pbuh) is the role model in his call to people with wisdom

-The advocates are aware of the circumstances and conditions of the invitees and their invitation as required by their situation.

Research plan: The research included an introduction, three detectives, and a conclusion.

As for the preamble: it is a statement of the objectives of the study, a research approach, a research plan, as well as an introduction to research.

The first is wisdom in terms of concept and species

The second is the call to God, its rule, its ranks and its sources

The third research is the positions of using wisdom in calling to God.

Keywords (semantic): the invitation - Wisdom.


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