The Role of Nurturing, Awareness and Political Participation in Building the Political Personality

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الخضمي، أحمد علي محمد


This research is entitled the role of nurturing, awareness and political participation in building the political personality, We appear us the questions of the problem in answering a main question s, which is the role of nurturing and awareness, as well as political participation in building the political personality, Aimed at clarifying the concepts and components of this study, with the method of description and analysis accompanied by known procedural research tools, and its structure is defined in three topics and preparation, the first: formation and political culture, the second: awareness and political participation, the third: components and characteristics of the political personality. The most important results of the study concluded that the spread of political culture and political awareness protects societies and shows what is urbanization and prevents regression, and the absence of political culture threatens the security and stability of society, and shows the different currents of extremism, This requires the necessity of forming an integrated political personality to acquire political skills and experiences and develop it, By including in the curricula the topics of political upbringing, activating guidance and counseling centers to adopt the discourse realizing rational political awareness, and consolidating political participation through the regularity of the various electoral cycles and other methods of political participation.

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