Reading Fiqh on the sheikhs, its types, importance and purposes

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د. هيثم بن فهد الرومي*


The aim of the research: to clarify the paths of reading and its types, with an explanation of its importance, the extent of the need for it and that it is indispensable, and an explanation of the effect of neglecting it on the knowledge and the learner, and mentioning the purposes intended from these different paths.

Research method: descriptive method.


  1. Reading on the sheikhs is an essential pillar in the study of jurisprudence and training on it, and the mutafaqih does not reach the truth of the Fiqh and mastery in it except with the company of a faqih who guides him until graduation.

  2. There are various types of reading fiqh, and each type has its own purpose. Some types are intended to connect the chain of narrators with the works of fiqh and learning about their compilers or those whose chains are connected to them, some are intended to adjust the book and correct it, some are intended to explain the words and the overall perception of the book, and finally, some are intended for research, consideration and auditing. Each reading has its own etiquette and drawings, and these readings should not be mixed unless the reader is aware of that, intends it, and knows its purposes.

Keywords: reading - sheikhs - fiqh - importance.


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