Educational Criticism from the perspective of the companion Abdullah bin Masoud - may Allah be pleased with him -

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د/ محمد سعيد عبدالله بافيل*


The study aimed to explain the concept of Educational Criticism, highlighting its importance, identifying some of his ethics and pointing to examples of Educational Criticism in the biography of Abdullah bin Masoud

The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. The main findings of the study are: Educational Criticism is a mental and practical effort that corresponds with evaluation, the critic must be compatible with the subject of criticizing, kindness must be an essential component in Educational Criticism with learners, student, and in family and educational dialogue and discussion, those who practice the process of Educational Criticism must not involve themselves in something they lack skills or knowledge about, the humility that Abdullah bin Masoud possessed made him look at himself and scrutinize his own shortcomings instead of tracing the faults of others.

The study's recommendations stated: Including Educational Criticism in the curricula and organizing training courses to qualify educators on the fundamentals of Educational Criticism. Raising awareness regarding Educational Criticism and encouraging methodologic studies in establishing the ethics of Educational Criticism. Intensification of scientific programs in explaining the progress of the distinctive models in Islam, and their critical methodology.

Keywords: criticism -ethics of criticism - Abdullah bin Masoud - Islamic educati





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