Intellectual Capital and its Impact on Achieving Total Quality in Libyan Organizations: A Field Study on the Islamic University of Asmaria 10.35781/1637-017-017-007د. أسامة حسين فرج شكشك

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د. أسامة حسين فرج شكشك جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


This study aims to identify the degree of influence of intellectual capital on the achievement of quality in the society under study by studying a random sample of the employees of the General Administration of Asmariyah Islamic University Zlitan (60). The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive method using a questionnaire questionnaire specially prepared as a data collection tool Study The main findings of the study are the following: 1) The university does not implement quality management within its departments in the exact manner. 2) The results of the statistical analysis indicate a positive correlation between the intellectual capital and the total quality process in the university under study. The study reached several recommendations, the most important of which are: 1) The university should be interested in increasing the development of its personnel so that each of them contributes to the development of performance. 2) The necessity of the university to provide the cadres and resources necessary to achieve quality

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