Utopian Literature of The Ideal society : A Study in Al farabi's Virtuous City & More's Utopia 10.35781/1637-000-018-009Dr.Abdulla A. Bukier

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Dr.Abdulla A. Bukier جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


Utopian literature in its broadest meaning deals with the idealistic conceptions and themes that are not applicative in real human life. This type of literature and thinking, though we regard it as imaginative and may be fanciful, yet it embodies great themes, and aiming at noble human goals and purposes. Al-Farabi in his work the Virtuous City and More in his Utopia present to the humanity through these two magnificent works, under discussion in this research, an example of the virtuous and idealistic community they aspire, as philosophers, to be achieved in real human life, if virtue and goodness guide mankind to its perfection and happiness. This research discusses these two works as Utopian literature, irrespective to the profound philosophical thoughts they comprise.

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