Principals of Religion and Justice Fundamentalists and Jurists: A Case Study 10.35781/1637-000-018-002د.احمد بن محمد بن اسماعيل المصباحي

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د.احمد بن محمد بن اسماعيل المصباحي جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


Religion and Judiciary Terms among the fundamentalists and jurisprudents: An Applied Study The Islamic library of jurisprudence and fundamentalism is rich in many terms, with many jurisprudential subsections that deal with real problems in ones verbal or practical behaviors either with Allah or with other people. Of these terms are Religion and the Judiciary among fundamentalists and jurisprudents. This original and applied study aims to highlight these two terms, their definitions and uncover these two terms and other terms related to religion and the judiciary, such as fatwa, adjudication, the mandate of grievances, promoting the values and preventing the vice, and the witness. Then the study shows the reasons of this division, its benefits and evidences. The study ends with providing realistic examples on literary and figurative meanings. The study concludes with research findings and recommendations.

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