The Reality of Practical Education in The Faculty of Education at The University of Albaida and Means of Developing It 10.35781/1637-017-016-002

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. بدور عبدالله علي الماوري جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


The study aimed to identify the role of the department of educational sciences, the educational supervisor, the school administration and the associate teacher in preparing the trainees and developing their performance, in addition to identifying the most important problems facing the students. The researcher followed the descriptive-analytical approach and prepared a questionnaire that included (58) paragraphs and after ascertaining its truthfulness and stability, it was distributed to all students of the fourth level of scientific and literary departments. The number of male and female students reached (65). After the statistical study, it reached the following results:
The field of the department of educational sciences received the first place with average arithmetic (2.25) and a standard deviation (0.30). The collaborating teacher field ranked last with an arithmetic average (1.64) and a standard deviation (0.23). The study revealed the most important problems facing the intern's students, is the inability of the collaborator to provide guidance to help the trained teachers to solve their problems faced by them in the classroom. The second problem is the lack of a manual on the second problem is practical education to assist trainees in the course of the training process, and the third is the lack of availability of specific teaching aids in training schools.
The study concluded some recommendations, the most important of which are: - To consider practical education as a collaborative process involving the department of educational sciences, school management, specialist supervisor, associate teacher, and trainee student.
This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc 2018.

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