Intellectual Unemployment and Its Impact on The Development Process in Yemeni Society 10.35781/1637-016-015-004 د. سالم محمد سعيد الشمسي

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د. سالم محمد سعيد الشمسي مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This study discusses the issue of unemployment as a natural product of a random educational policy that does not reconcile education inputs and outputs on the one hand and development requirements on the other. Thus, unemployment is no longer the result of lack of access to education or rehabilitation, but of non-targeted and unplanned education, which has a significant negative impact on the development process.
As well as lack of strategic vision among decision-makers in defining development priorities, programs and requirements, is also responsible for it. Some plans have been drawn up in this context, but it's mostly ink on paper and locked in drawers. This aggravates the seriousness of societal problems resulting from poor planning and management of national resources, whether of a material nature or human resources, which is most important. In light of modern political and economic thinking, man has become a great value and a fundamental pillar of sustainable development. Even population growth is no longer associated with or generating problems of poverty, unemployment or limited potential.
Rather, it has become a source of increased productivity in all its aspects, as the human being is the object and means of development. It is the basis of so-called social capital. Development is defined as a procedural concept as (an increase in the chances of life of some people, with the condition of no harm to other), while unemployment can be defined as a procedural concept as (a case where there is no work for a seeker despite the desire and search for it). Unemployment in various countries of the world has become the problem of problems, rather, the mother of problems that often exacerbate their consequences for society. The first result of unemployment is poverty and disease and then applied underdevelopment. Unemployment is a major source of many diseases and psychological and social disorders, especially among young people. Unemployment is also the most important means to make young people vulnerable to extremes, violence, and extremism. Therefore, on a level related to intellectual unemployment, Yemen is seen as generating, driving and feeding the phenomenon of migration to other places of attractions in the world. Yemen has many economic, political and social problems, general weakness, sagging educational and research structures, and a huge population explosion. This created a repulsive environment that led to the migration of many professionals, and academics, which resulted in consequent economic loss, where dozens of graduates and skilled people leave Yemen every year to look for work. Statistics show that around 30,000 persons with university qualifications, graduate degrees, and middle schools work in neighboring countries and some other countries.
This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc 2018.

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