The Extent to Which Students of Sanaa University Know the Islamic Civilization Scientists and Their Role in The Human Civilization 10.35781/1637-016-015-002 د.عبدالغني أحمد علي الحاوري

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د.عبدالغني أحمد علي الحاوري مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This study aims at finding out the level of knowledgeable background of Sana'a University students about the scientists of Islamic civilization and their roles at the humanitarian culture. The descriptive method is used , and a test is applied as a tool to achieve that aim. The researcher comes out to the finding that the knowledgeable background of Sana'a University students about the scientists of Islamic civilization is very low. Otherwise, students' knowledge about the medical scientists comes at high scale than their knowledge about other scientists at different fields particularly at the field of philosophy, mathematics, and astrology. The study comes out that there are significant statistically differences at the student's knowledge attributed the variable of gender for the axes of astrology and history for the sake of males. Also, there are significant statistically differences attributed to the variables of colleges – theoretical or practical- for the sake of scientific colleges.

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