Problems and Needs Facing Families of Children with Autism and the Role of Institutions in Facing Them: a Study on a Sample of Families in the City Of Mukalla

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أ.م. فتحية محمد محفوظ باحشوان ، م. سلوى عمر بارشيد مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This study aims to identify the problems faced by families of autistic children and the role of the institutions and supporting bodies of these families, whether in terms of rehabilitation or physical. The study used the sample survey as a method. The study community Includes 80 families of autistic children from the city of Mukalla. A questionnaire was used to identify the needs and problems these families faced. The study indicates a number of results, most importantly: • Lack of awareness among the community about autism. • Difficulty when dealing with autistic children • Lack of funding sources for autistic children's families • The existence of centers of care for autistic children, but they do not have the facilities and equipment necessary for the service of an autistic child • Lack of legislation that ensures and protects the autistic child'.

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