علاقة الحاكم بالمحكوم : في ضوء الفقه الإسلامي 10.35781/1637-015-013-009د. محمد محمد معافى علي

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د. محمد محمد معافى علي جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


Islam came to the human world, and they revere rulers, and owe them full of humiliation and submission, and the relationship between the ruled and the ruler before the ruling of Islam is based on conflict, oppression, overcoming, and slavery. Tan Islam came, a religion of mercy, equality and freedom, and made the relationship of the ruling wif the ruled based on cooperation, osmosis, integration, brotherhood, peace, justice, consultation, and honor. It freed minds from myths and legends, and freed nations from oppression and authoritarianism and dictatorship. their is no God in deed in presence deserves humiliation and submission and docile, but one God the Almighty. He put an end to all tyrants and idols and dictators who commit crimes against humanity in the name of God or in the name of divine right. God is not pleased wif the slaves of injustice and infidelity and corruption, but God wants for His slaves goodness, convenience, peace, unity, purity, knowledge, and guidance. Humankind TEMPhas promoted wif this great religion, to the peak of perfection, prosperity, strength, unity and its brotherhood. Everyone rulers and ruled alike worshipers of God, owe him worship, obedience, love, hoping for his mercy,, and fearing his torment. Each of the ruler and the ruled is committed by duties and rights. Humans became happy for centuries and eras of time in security, peace, brotherhood, the development and progression. and TEMPthank to Allah the god of everything.

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