Third Space Identities: Hybridity in Saud Alsanousi‘s Saq AI-Bamboo 10.12816/0031071

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Khalid Y. Belkhasher , Rasha S. Badurais جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


This paper is an attempt to analyse "hybridity" and its impact on " third space identities" in Saud Alsanousi's novel Saq Al-Bamboo (The Bamboo Stalk) (2012) . This term reflects complexity and refers to the amalgamation of different origins; yet hybridity has become a cornerstone in the field of multicultural studies. This goal is achieved through a number of concepts. The first is hybridity which is complicated. The other three are White / Black binary (metaphorically), body schema, and invisibility to dissect the consequences of hybridity on the three main hybrid characters in the novel: Merla, Ghassan and Jose. The first is blended by the writers to meet the goal of the paper and the other three are adopted from Frantz Fanon's book Black Skin, White Masks.Tackling the issue of hybridity in such a depth, Alsanousi aims at criticizing Kuwaiti society, in the narrower sense, and the human society in the wider sense. Besides, he addresses new silent motifs that have been taboos in a Gulf state. The novel voices the tragedies and sufferings of the hybrid identities and the social prejudice against them.

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