Emergency and Crises in Islamic Jurisprudence د. عبدالله أمين الرفاعي

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د. عبدالله أمين الرفاعي مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The aim of this research is to address the situation when a problem arises which makes it difficult for the Mukallaf (legally responsible person) to implement what the Legislator has commanded for him, in terms of a command or forbiddance, whether the one responsible is an individual or a collective; in any area from the areas of life; Aqeedah (belief), worship, transactions, an aspect of the jurisprudence of family life, criminal matters or other than that. To accomplish this objective, the sourcs and references related to the research were refered to, an attempt was made to gather together what was scattered within the depths of the books, followed by an examination, analysis and categorization of that. The research was divided into an introduction, which mentioned the objectives of the research and the approach followed in it. The first topic mentioned the emergencies and crises among the scholars of language and terminologies. The second topic mentioned the emergencies and crises in respect to some aspects of the Aqeedah (belief) and worships. The third topic mentioned the emergencies and crises in respect to some aspects of the rulings related to the family.
The fourth topic mentioned the emergencies and crises related to financial transactions. The fifth topic mentioned the emergencies and crises related to some aspects of the penal code. The sixth topic mentioned the emergencies and crises related to some of the areas of rights and freedoms.
This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc 2018.

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