The Role of The Yemeni Governors in The Jihad North of Andalusia (95 - 138 Ah / 714 - 755 AD) 10.12816/0030505د. أحمد عبد الله محمد الملصي

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. أحمد عبد الله محمد الملصي مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The period of governors in the Andalus homeland expanded from 95 A.H./714 A.D. It was started when Abdulaziz Bin Mussa'a Bin Nussair a pointed as a governor in the Andalus homeland. Some of the historians in the age of the Andalus homeland said that '' A period of governors in the Andalus home land had a lot of disturbances'' because of there were many governors who pointed as a governor at that time. Also, the problems between Arab people in that time or between Arab people and Al-Barbar. Which lead those to pass through the period of governors save without standing in their way. But that was wrong. The indication for the period of governors discussed in details our research which emphases and explain to us how Yemeni governors did by giving solders to go to the north of the Andalus homeland in the name of Jihad, some of them: 1) Abdulaiziz Bin Mussa'a Bin Nussair al-Lakhami: Abdulaziz coquetted the west south and the east south of the Andalus homeland from Evvoia, Salam and Cambria cities and in the east south he conquest Malacca city. After that he went to towards Korat Tadmer. 2) Ayoub Bin Habib al-Lakhami: He adopted kurtobah as a capital city of the Andalus homeland instead of Eshbelia. In his view that kurtobah is the nearest city to the center of the Andalus homeland. Also, to be easier for people who live in the north and south. Moreover, he continued conquest the north of the Andalus homeland. So, he built Ayob Castle in the north of the Andalus homeland. 3) Alsamh Bin Malik al-Khwlani: It started in his age the period of Jihad Al-Muslmeen in Gaul homeland (behind Albert Mountains). He took the place of Barcelona as a military base for collecting solders through that he conquest Stamina and Narbonne cities. After that, he moved to Jargon Valley and he passed Awood Valley through Lowrajeh until he arrived to Tolos city the capital city of Actinia city. 4) Anbasah Bin Suhaim al-Kalb: Anbasah moved to the Gaul homeland through the Alprance Mountains. He continued conquest until he arrived to Lyon, Masoun, Naymah, Dijon and Lawton cities in the top of Rhone River.After that, he extended his authority in the east and the south of the Gaul homeland until he arrived to Sense the capital city of Yond province. 5) Abdurahman Bin Abdullah al-Ghafiqi: He moved to Actinia and Bargain provinces in the south of the Gaul homeland. He coquetted to very large cities and there was the Islamic Conquest Activity which was very fast. So, Abdulrahman al-Ghqfiqi arrived to Bordeaux province. 6) In the Bordeaux province Abdulrahman al-Ghqfiqi continued his moving until he arrived to Poitiers and there were a famous war called (Balat al- Shouhada'a) which Muslims solders forfeit in that war and the governor Abdulrahman al-Ghqfiqi die as martyr.

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