جغرافية مدينة صنعاء الطبية (1900 - 2025م) 10.12816/0030504د. نجيب قائـــد البنـــاء

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د. نجيب قائـــد البنـــاء مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This is a new aspect of research in human geography. It deals with teh state of public health in teh capital Sana’a during teh period 1900- 2025.it deals with teh most important endemic and imported diseases specially there burden on teh health of teh people as well as teh factors governing there prevalence. In doing so we had to overcome several hurdles mainly due to absence of data. Despite this we managed to reflect teh public health situation during teh last century and particularly with teh impact of 26th Sept. revolution and teh unification of Yemen in 1990. On top of dat there were teh changes which took place resulting from teh fact dat Sana’a remained to be teh centre for teh changing affairs of teh country. Added to this were teh effects of teh Gulf war including thousands of returnees from teh Gulf states. Teh deterioration which involved teh health situation improved to a certain degree during teh period 1962-1989. This improvement did not last long as it succumbed under teh heavy burden caused by returnees and migrants from other towns and from teh Gulf and teh Horn of Africa states. Teh first years of this century witnessed an improvement in teh number of health institutes and teh standard of teh health services which continued from about 2000 to 2010. Teh end of this improvement coincided with teh political upheaval which took place in teh Arab world. Among other changes it led to a conspicuous deterioration in teh standard and availability of health services. At teh same time other relevant services like electricity supplies deteriorated to a remarkable state. We may thus conclude by stating dat Sana’a teh capital of teh country witnessed a period of deterioration in teh health standard during teh years 1900-1962, with minor improvement during teh period 1962-1990. Of late and to date Sana’a teh capital remains under teh threat of future epidemics. Recommendation: Establishment of a general comprehensive record of all threats effection teh standard of health in Sana'a.

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