The Role of Britain in the Hashemite-Saudi Conflict In Hijaz (1908 - 1925) 10.12816/0019246د. أحمد أحمد العرامي

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د. أحمد أحمد العرامي مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية


This study investigated the role of Britain in the Hashemite-Saudi conflict in Hijaz during the era of (1908-1925) with reference to the origins of the conflict between the Saudis and the Sherifs of Mecca. Then, the study pointed out the British policy in the Arabian Peninsula showing the British viewpoint regarding the conflict between the Hashemites and Saudis on the two Oasis's of Turba and Al-Xarma (1917-1921) and their viewpoint regarding Abdul-Aziz ruling of Hijaz (1925). This study also discussed the British policy which was balancing between the Arabic Bureau in Cairo affiliated to the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Indian-British Government. It was shown that the Arabic Bureau in Cairo was supporting Sherif Hussein while the Indian-British Government was supporting King Abdul-Aziz.

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