Manifestations of The Experience of Premature Graying of Hair in The Poetry of Ibn Khafaja 10.12816/0019235

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د. أحمد سعيد عبيدون جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


The research deals with exploring the experience of turning grey according to the poet Ibn Khafaja. Although it is a human experience, it nevertheless took a personal and psychological dimension in his view, in the case where we found Jinan al-Andalusia al-Mu’ammar, a complacent, crying and anxious poet, whining under the weight of psychological alienation, the problematic nature of time, and the fear and anxiety of the specter of death that appears to him in his sleep and his wakefulness.
This poetic experience of his revealed: Objective manifestations, which revolved around four preoccupations that were dwelling within the same poet. These were the shock of the appearance of the beginnings of the grey hair, crying for his lost youth, his yearning or it, complaining about his getting older and old age and ending with his consideration and indifference. Just as the experience revealed stylistic manifestations, which were spread across four areas: The artistic paradox and symbol. The poetic dictionary of complaining and sad weeping. The adoption of structural methods of questioning, thinking and appealing mixed with agony and pain. And the fourth relates to the dominance of the forms of the past.
This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc 2018.

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