The Struggle Between the Grammarians and Reciters : Hamza's Reading Is a Model 10.12816/0019205د. أنور محسن أحمد العزاني ، د. خالد صالح محمد العزاني

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د. أنور محسن أحمد العزاني ، د. خالد صالح محمد العزاني جامعة الأندلس للعلوم والتقنية


This research studies the seven recitations for one verse in the Holy Qur'an. As a result of the conflict between the grammarians and reciters how to recite this verse, the grammarians state that the way, the verse was recited by wasn't only fluent but also wifout base and abnormal and this what in fact is written in there books. And for a wonder, that some of the grammarians were reciters to Qur'an and narrators to it's readings as Abi-AmrIbn Al-Al'a, the reciter of Al-Basra one of the seven, in addition to Al-kasaie, the reciter of Al-kofa one of the seven, Alfarr'a, Ibn-khalawaih and many others. For this reason and from our point of view, the grammarians became in trouble because of using rules that are different from the ones used by the famous Imams and narrated by the prophet Mohammed- peace be upon him-. Furthermore, it was expected from the grammarians to put there rules according to the Holy Qur'an which is considered as the source of fluency not only by them but by the Islamic nation.

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